What Countries Offer a Working Holiday Visa for US Citizens?

Working Abroad

You’ve finished your education and you’re ready to see the world. There’s just one catch: obtaining a work visa in the country of your dreams isn’t as easy as you imagined.

Maybe you’ve thought about becoming a digital nomad – but that life just doesn’t sound right for you.

Either way, a working holiday visa could be the answer to your problems. You won’t be able to set up shop permanently, but you will be able to dip your toes in the water without going through the trouble of securing a typical work visa.

Here’s how to do it.

What is a Work Holiday Visa?

A work holiday visa is a special type of visa that allows you to live in a new country and earn money for a relatively short period of time. This gives you a chance to support yourself (and pay off those student loans) while enjoying a fresh experience.

Typical work visas involve a fairly extensive process, have sponsorship requirements, and are often valid for roughly 3 – 6 years depending on the country.

Work holiday visas, on the other hand, imply that you won’t stay in the host country for more than 12 months.

Who Should Apply for a Work Holiday Visa?

Here’s the thing, a work holiday visa isn’t intended for every type of worker at every stage of life. Each country that might grant a working holiday visa for USA citizens has their own requirements, of course.

However, the following general standards typically apply:

  • You must be between the ages of 18 – 30 (yes, there’s an age requirement).
  • You cannot bring any dependents with you.
  • You’ll need to prove you have enough money saved to cover your expenses while you look for work.
  • You might need to prove you have travelers’ insurance.
  • You shouldn’t have any past criminal convictions (although this isn’t always a deal-breaker).
  • Your passport must be valid for the entire duration of your anticipated holiday.
  • You must have a high school diploma (although some countries might require higher education).
  • You shouldn’t have health conditions that prohibit you from working.

What are the Benefits of a Working Holiday Visa for USA Citizens?

Working AbroadFor many people, the terms “working”, and “holiday” don’t fit together at all. But if you want to immerse yourself in a new country without going broke, a working pass is really your best option.

It’s hard to quantify the benefits of an experience like this, but here are a few:

  • Experiencing a new place and culture beyond a two-week vacation
  • Making professional connections for a potential future work visa
  • Meeting new people from all walks of life
  • Experiencing a different type of work culture
  • It looks great on future job applications

Which Countries Offer a Work Holiday Visa for USA Citizens?

If you’ve already started your search for countries that offer a working holiday visa for USA citizens, you’ve probably noticed the list is short. Workers living in the European Union, Asia, and New Zealand certainly have more options but as a US passport holder you still have some great choices.

Australia Working Holiday Visa for USA Citizens

These are the requirements and details for a subclass 462 visa:

  • Ages 18 to 30
  • Have at least $5,000 AUD in the bank
  • Valid for 12 months

You can fill out your entire application online, but you’ll also need to pay a $420 AUD fee. There’s another catch: you can only work for a single employer for six months so be prepared to secure at least two jobs.

Ireland Working Holiday Visa for USA Citizens

The requirements and details for a work holiday visa in Ireland are a little different:

  • Be enrolled full-time in post-secondary education leading to a degree of any kind OR
  • Have recently graduated (within the last twelve months) from a degree program
  • Have at least €1,500 in the bank AND a return ticket OR
  • Have at least €3,000 in the bank
  • No age restrictions!

New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for USA Citizens

New Zealand is a favorite destination for many US citizens seeking a work holiday. Just make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Ages 18 to 30
  • Have at least $4,200 NZ in the bank
  • Valid for 12 months

Bonus: you may also apply for an extension to stay in the country up to 15 months if you manage to find work in horticulture or agriculture.

Singapore Working Holiday Visa for USA Citizens

To obtain a Work Holiday Pass in Singapore, you’ll need to meet these requirements and adhere to the details:

  • Ages 18 to 25
  • Be currently enrolled in a degree program OR
  • Have recently graduated within the past year
  • Have attended a top-200 school
  • Visa is valid for six months

You can complete the entire process through email with Singapore’s immigration department and you’ll need to pay a $120 application fee.

South Korea Working Holiday Visa for USA Citizens

South Korea has some strict requirements for obtaining an H-1 work holiday visa:

  • Ages 18 to 30
  • Be currently enrolled in a degree program OR
  • Have recently graduated within the past year
  • A valid return ticket
  • Have roughly $10,000 USD in the bank (enough to cover three months)
  • Valid for 18 months

Bear in mind that you might have a hard time finding work in South Korea so make sure to scope out your options first. Don’t plan to teach English on a South Korea work holiday visa because that requires a different visa and you won’t be able to work in specific industries like medicine, law, or journalism.

The Bottom Line on Working Holiday Visas

Each country has a different application process so the best thing to do is start early. Before deciding which country to visit, look for jobs online to see what’s available. When in doubt, try teaching or the tourism industry.

You should also make sure you get everything in order: you’ll likely need a local bank account in your host country along with a place to stay.

Once you get all the details figured out, you can start looking forward to your extended stay in a new country.
